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It Could Be Called "Love" Insurance

Life insurance can be called "love "insurance because we use it to protect the ones we hold dear. It's the true definition of love for your family that can be the key to ensuring their future financial security.

What is life insurance?

When trying to piece together on the importance of life insurance, you will probably have numerous questions. Luckily for you, we have put together the basic information you need to figure out life insurance's role.

Life insurance is one of the common types of insurance available. It merely implies that you buy various life policies that shield your family from financial crisis and hardships resulting from loss of income.

The insurance term offers financial cushioning for your beneficiaries if the insured dies having bought the insurance policy. In this case, the term refers to the period you have an active insurance policy over your life. It can be anywhere from one decade to four, depending on the length you choose when buying the life policy.

Types of life insurance

1. Term life insurance

It's a temporary policy that offers death benefits for a specific period known as the term. The period can range from 10 to 40 years. This type of insurance does not accumulate benefits where beneficiaries receive the specified benefits in the policy. It costs much less than other life insurance policies, especially if the insurer is younger.

2. Permanent policy

It remains in place for as long as the policyholder continues makes payments in time. The cash reserve on permanent policy continues to build up with the policy.

How life insurance works

The premiums remain unchanged through the coverage term, and in case you pass within this time, your beneficiaries receive a lump sum of your death benefits. The money can pay off medical bills, debts, or any other policy pay-out you choose. An insurance company will work with you to find the best policy that fits your needs.

Do you need a life insurance policy?

Some people are not sure whether they need a life insurance policy. The simple answer is that if you have someone looking up to you for financial support, then its high time that you secured yourself a life policy. Some examples of individuals who need life insurance include:

  • Young and single -They may acquire various debts that need settling along with funeral expenses. A life insurance policy can help avoid leaving your family with too much burden.

  • Married and engaged – Couples usually depend on two incomes. Couples need life insurance to avoid drastic expense change.

  • Parent- A parent is a primary provider for their bundle of joy. Since raising kids is an expensive endeavor, you should do all you can to ensure that they are well funded, even in your absence.

Who can benefit from life insurance?

You can use the policy to protect a single person or more. The beneficiaries can be:

  • Spouse (heterosexual and same-sex)

  • Children (both biological and adapted)

  • Organization (business or charity)

The money received from this life insurance is known as the death benefit, and the life insurance company releases it to your beneficiary in one lump sum. The life insurance policy is diverse, and it has no limitations on the number a single person can purchase. Therefore, you can choose to take multiple policies with different term lengths and coverage. All you have to do is make sure that your premiums payments are always up to date to ensure that your coverage remains viable.

Advantages of life insurance

  • It's an affordable low-cost coverage

  • It provides coverage for a specific time frame

  • Fixed premiums for the insurance period

  • Offers financial security for your family


Life does not offer any guarantees. Taking a life insurance policy is a bold and necessary step that provides financial security to the ones you love in the event of the unthinkable. Each payment is a sign of your commitment to protecting your family.

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iInformational statements regarding insurance coverage are for general description purposes only. These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your agent for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services.

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